Upgrading Page 3
“You love it. That’s good. We’re going to a little restaurant in Knightsbridge called Scarafinos. Do you know it?”
“Ermm …” OK, any decent Man About Town would know it, know the manager and know which is the best table and be able to get it if she wanted it. I don’t. I can’t. OK, I’m crap.
I’m about to say something like “I think so” when she says, “Obviously not.”
I decide to go on the front foot with this one.
“I’m sure it’s great. There are so many restaurants in London, you can’t know them all.”
She puts her head on one side.
“No. That’s true.” She looks at me for a moment. “Perhaps you’d prefer to go somewhere else. What’s your favourite restaurant in this neighbourhood?”
Oh, fuck. My mind goes blank. Quick, quick. Along Knights-bridge—it’s all a blur. King’s Road, erm. Pizza Hut. Yep, just her sort of place. She has already picked up the phone. “I’ll cancel Scarafino’s if you want and we can go someplace else.”
“No, no. Scarafino’s is fine with me.”
“Good.” We look at each other for a moment. “I like it.”
“Where are you from in the States?” I say, my voice shaking slightly as nerves suddenly grip me. She ignores me.
“Been doing this for long, Andrew?” My stomach begins to tighten. This is not how it’s supposed to be. I’m supposed to have charmed her, made her laugh, listed a variety of smart restaurants within a few minutes’ drive and persuaded the receptionist at the one she has chosen that since it’s me, yes, they do have a table. Instead … well, I think I’ll just go home. I hold her stare a moment and decide to brazen it out. After all, I’ve got nothing to lose—except £200 and any remaining shred of dignity.
“Not long. In fact, you’re only the second woman … client … I’ve seen.” Obviously impressed by my candour, she nods slowly.
“Good. Lucky me.”
I smile. Then I find myself pushing it further and saying, “What about you? Do you do this often?”
Now it’s her turn to be slightly wrong-footed but, of course, she regains her composure almost immediately. She looks away for a moment as she puts her drink down.
“No,” she says slowly. “No, I don’t. It’s just that all my friends are out of town or busy tonight and someone gave me Jonathan’s number. Back home in New York I’ve engaged a couple of … walkers, as we call them in the States, and I find them, I find it very relaxing. It’s a great way to unwind after a tiring day. When you have money but limited time you can spend it on things like this. I mean it’s quite natural to spend it in this way.”
She looks at me as if to say touché. She has acquitted herself very nicely.
“Makes sense,” I say. I wonder whether to ask if she always likes her walkers to be twenty, thirty years younger than her but I decide that really would be pushing it a bit. She stands and takes a final slip of her vodka tonic.
“Drink up, Andrew, I think the car is here.”
A huge black BMW is sitting outside. A chauffeur opens the door for her and she gets in without saying a word. He comes round to open my door but I have done it anyway so I say “Sorry.” He smiles. Then he gets in as well.
“It’s Scarafino’s,” murmurs Marion, looking at her lips in her compact.
“Yes, madam,” says the guy who I realize is just a bit older than me. It only takes a few minutes, which is a shame really, because riding in that huge, soft air-conditioned car is pure sex. Driving it would be even better.
The manager at the restaurant is delighted to see Marion and bows for some reason. She acts as if it is the least he can do, as if he’s promised her something and let her down.
“How are you, Mario?” she asks.
“Oh, no so badder, you know whe’ you get my age.”
“Mario is a grandfather and still working,” Marion tells me, as if nothing could bore her more.
“Oh, congratulations,” is all I can think of to say. “Congratulations?” What the hell am I on about? Fortunately they ignore this weird comment and as a young girl takes her coat from her Marion says, “Mario, this is Mr. Coleman. Coleman? Is that right?”
“Collins. Hello, nice to meet you.”
“Good evening, welcome,” says Mario, warmly. We shake hands firmly. I am obviously the only one who is embarrassed. The waiter, who has been standing behind the maître d’ takes us to a little table in the corner of the room which must be one of the best in the restaurant. Probably “her table.” The place is kitted out in royal blue with white chairs and a black and white tiled floor. I begin to feel scruffy—my clothes are quite smart, I suppose, but they sort of look like they have been worn before. Everyone else looks like theirs have just been taken off the rack. Or hand-made earlier that day. Also, unlike me, everyone else looks tanned and foreign.
And rich.
“What would you like to drink?” Marion asks as she looks across the restaurant. I look back to see another waiter, standing by our table nervously.
“Scotch with ice?” I suggest to him.
“A Manhattan,” says Marion. “Mario knows how I like it.”
The waiter disappears and there is a pause. I begin to feel quite proud to be in this smart restaurant with a beautiful older woman. And she is beautiful with her large eyes, flawless skin and that look of contemptuous elegance. Just then she finishes scanning the room and suddenly I panic that I am not earning my money. She does look beautiful—but bored.
“You said you’d had a really bad day?” Oh good start, fuckwit! I’m sure she’ll want to relive it all over dinner.
“Did I? When?”
I panic again. “When we were talking … before?”
“Oh, yes. Just the usual bunch of assholes fucking things up.”
“Oh, dear.” Pathetic! I start to dig my thumbnail into my hand under the table as a punishment for being such a fool.
I try again. “How long have you been in London?”
“Erm, let me see. Oh, a few years,” she says, looking bored rigid.
“I went to New York the year before last. It was … great.”
“It’s OK.” She takes her drink out of the waiter’s hand and tests it while he looks on terrified. It seems to measure up. Then she says, “What will you eat, Andrew?”
I am actually quite hungry. She suggests I have tagliarini alla crema with slivers of white truffle because I have never had it before and then steak because a young man of my age needs red meat. She has “just a salad” followed by “this shrimp thing.”
“Nice restaurant,” I say, trying to sound grateful, enthusiastic, impressed with her choice.
“Well, it’s convenient,” says Marion.
“Sure,” I say, knowingly. Yes, well, it’s not that nice, is it, actually? I pick up a black olive from a little bowl the waiter has given us but manage to lose control of it at the last minute and it completely disappears off the face of the earth. “What’s your, er, favourite, erm … restaurant …?” Where the hell is it? I’m relieved to see that I haven’t smeared olive oil down my tie or left a dark, greasy mark on the brilliant white, starched tablecloth but where the hell is the little fucker? “Er, in New York?” I finish, discreetly continuing my search.
Marion breaks a bread stick slowly.
“I often go to the Four Seasons for lunch. I quite like Le Cirque. They do good seafood,” she says. She pauses and then narrows her eyes slightly as she peers across at my jacket. “It’s actually gone down your sleeve.” She smiles gently. “Now, what are the chances of that?”
We talk about London and the weather and a bit about politics, for some reason. I make all the running to begin with, thinking that I’d better try and earn my fee after my disastrous performance with the olive. She looks uninterested for most of the time and only takes any interest in me when she is taking the piss: asking about media sales, about Reading, about my “roommate,” about my work as a “gigolo.” She asks whether I have a girlfri
end and looks unsurprised when I say “No.”
“Had one before?”
“Yeah, a few.” I’m just a bit insulted.
“Oh, I wasn’t suggesting you were a virgin,” she smiles. There is a pause. That sex thing again. I’m trying to think of something clever to say that implies in an understated way that I’m actually highly proficient horizontally.
Instead all I say is, “No.”
She insists I have some pudding and orders me zabaglione, which she helps herself to a couple of times, sticking her licked spoon back into the warm, sweet, alcoholic mucus and occasionally pushing mine gently but firmly out of the way. But then she refuses to eat any more and just watches me finish it.
I find myself wondering how old she is. She must be fifty. Mind you, my mum is fifty-something and she doesn’t look as good as Marion. On the other hand, my mum is not rich and exotic. People in Belgravia don’t necessarily age less than people from Reading, just differently. She becomes quite flirtatious and laughs unexpectedly a few times, asking me to say what I look for in girls and telling me that I am quite good looking, really. “Nice teeth,” she says, “for an English guy,” and dabs her immaculate mouth with an immaculate starched napkin.
By the time we leave at eleven-thirty I feel that I have entertained her a bit and probably performed quite well, once I relaxed. The air outside is warmer than the air-conditioned restaurant but there is a bit of a breeze.
She takes my arm in her hands and says, “Shall I send the car away? We can walk from here.”
“Goodnight,” she says apparently to no one and then from across the street I see the headlights of the BMW flash an acknowledgment before it moves off. She puts her head on my shoulder. Christ, I am making progress here suddenly. Progress towards what, though? I’m not on my way back from the pub with a twenty-year-old. We walk along in silence for a while and I’m wondering whether we’ll end up having sex. Does she want to? Do I want to? Could I? Fifty? If her body is as good as her face then … yeah, why not? I’m just hoping she can’t read my thoughts in some way when I see a small group coming towards us. They are talking and laughing loudly.
“Irena,” calls Marion.
“Marion, daaaarling,” says a woman in a heavy foreign accent. She and Marion miss kiss and then ask each other how they are and reply “Good” in unison.
“Irena, this is Mr. Andrew Collins. Andrew this is my best friend, Irena.”
“Pleased to meet you.” She holds out a hand and at the last moment I decide to kiss it rather than shake it. I do the same with an older American lady standing next to her. The women laugh.
“He’s charming,” says the older woman to Marion. I shake hands with Irena’s boyfriend who has an unnecessarily long Italian name and with the American woman’s husband whose name is Moose (or is it Mousse?) for some reason. While Irena and Marion chat the rest of us look on, laughing and agreeing like an appreciative audience.
Finally Irena says, “Vill heff larnch next veek.” She smiles girlishly as she says goodbye to me.
“Sweet girl,” says Marion as we walk away. “Thick as pig shit. She is doing the old ‘I live just for my kids number’ at the moment because her first husband wants to get custody. Since she got dumped by him she has had to make her own living. I mean she’s taken up with that slimy gigolo Bernardo, but he has no money, not serious money, anyway, so last month or something she launched her own range of cosmetics. You know, the kind of things office girls wear. Staten Island secretaries. What do you have here? Girls from Reading or something? Anyway, it’s called ‘Irena.’ And now her public relations people want her to call herself just Irena, not Irena Trountz, you know, to push the perfume. So every time she signs a visitor’s book or a credit card slip she has to put a little TM after her name.”
“Oh God, kidding!”
As we walk up to the front door it is opened by the South American girl who is now in a dark green uniform. I wonder if she has a different one for each time of the day, or seasons of the year or just Marion’s moods.
“Any messages, Anna Maria?” Marion asks her, throwing her Chanel bag down on the settee. Anna Maria hands her some little cards which Marion flicks through and hands back to her then she disappears.
“I’m going to have a brandy,” says Marion, walking over to the drinks cabinet.
“Great,” I say. My heart is suddenly racing. This is it. She is on for it after all. I’ve been watching her more closely since we came back. She does have a pretty good figure and the food and wine have made me feel relaxed. I realize that I’m entering the hinterland of horniness. She might be older but she is gorgeous. She clatters around in the drinks cabinet and then comes back with one glass and an envelope the same colour as the cards with the disregarded telephone messages.
“Here you are,” she says giving me the signed credit card slip. “I really enjoyed it.” Enjoyed it? I haven’t given it to you yet. “I’ll call you again,” she says, kissing me on the cheek. “Make sure the door’s closed properly when you leave,” she adds, looking down at a magazine, before picking it up and walking towards the stairs.
vinny yanks my arm to one side and tries to get his foot between my legs.
“Piss … off,” I hiss, sweat gathering on my forehead but he just laughs and elbows his way in front of me. I fall across the work units and he lands on top of me, sending an empty wine bottle and a pile of magazines slithering onto the floor. We both pause in anguished silence for a moment but the wine bottle doesn’t break on the lino so I grab the back of Vinny’s neck and then yank him away by his arm. He gasps but doesn’t let go. Instead he finally manages to get in between my legs, lifts his foot and gives a good kick. There is a satisfying splat as the ball hits the far wall of the kitchen.
“Y-e-e-e-e-s. Two one, two one, two one,” he sings above the roar of the imaginary crowd and performs a mini lap of victory round the room. I wait a moment before kicking it back into play. There is more banging from downstairs and this time a shout of protest. Vinny pulls down the corners of his mouth and winces. Then we both laugh.
“Sorry,” I shout half-heartedly. Seeing Vinny still listening intently, I take my chance and boot the ball down the other end of the room. My aim is perfect—it hits the window frame. A couple of inches either way and it would have crashed straight through—again. That’s the key to Indoor One Aside Footy: precise ball control.
“Bastard. I wasn’t ready,” says Vinny.
“Well you should have been, mate.” He looks despondently at me and begins to walk away. But I know this one, so I move up field and get ready in defence. Sure enough, he has turned the ball round with his toe and is lining it up to score again. Except that I’m in the way. He smashes into me and tries to barge past.
“Since when did this turn into rugby?” I ask.
“Since I got bored of football,” he says, picking up the ball. We both have an equal grip on it and so I push my shoulder into his chest. We struggle for a moment and suddenly Vinny stops moving and gives a faint cry. The colour has drained from his face. His body goes limp. He swallows with difficulty and then lets out a breath. I release the ball and look at him intensely.
“What’s the matter?” But before I’ve even finished the sentence he has rushed forward and placed the ball on the “touch line” at the bottom of the far wall.
“Bastard,” I say, trying to get it back again. The phone rings. Still panting I crawl over to the table and answer it.
“Yeah?” I gasp, between breaths.
“You all right?”
“Yeah, sorry, I’ve been playing football.” I turn round and see Vinny trying to spin the ball on his head. It immediately slips off onto the draining board and takes a couple of saucepans and the colander with it. There is more banging from downstairs. We both yell with laughter.
“Listen, she wants to see you again,” says the
voice from the phone. I sit down and wave at Vinny to shut up. “She likes you, mate,” says Jonathan, half proud, half jealous. “When did you first see her? Two nights ago?”
“Er, yeah, that’s right. Tuesday.”
“OK. Look, give her a ring now, she’s at home. Well done, superstar.” I can almost hear him wink down the phone. He gives me Marion’s number again and once I’ve got Vinny out of the kitchen I ring her. She asks if I’m free for lunch the next day.
“Sure,” I say excitedly. Wrong answer. There is a pause.
“Don’t you want to check your schedule?” she asks.
“To make sure you’re free then.”
“Er, I know I’m free,” I say. “Just had a cancellation, actually.” Beautiful. But she laughs. “Lucky me. Why don’t you come to mine for a quarter of one.”
I leave the office at 12:25 p.m.—late as I can. Friday is supposed to be a quiet day in our office but somehow it never is.
“Where are you off to?” asks Sami, crossly.
“Colonic irrigation.”
“Urgh, Andrew, you are gross.”
“That’s why you love me.”
Sami’s expression changes. “If you’re going down there can you see if they’ve got a packet from me, I’m expecting something,” she says seriously. Either she has gone mad or Debbie, our martyr of a boss, is standing behind me. I assume it’s the latter.
“Yes, of course,” I say looking cross-eyed at Sami. I turn round and sure enough Debbie is handing out some memos. I smile meekly and piss off.
It’s grey and stormy outside but a cab comes along almost immediately and I manage to grab it just before two senior suits from upstairs. Probably not a good career move but frankly, I really don’t care at the moment.
The cab gets to Marion’s in ten minutes and shortly after that I am sitting in the BMW with her. She is wearing a dark-blue Chanel suit and carrying a Prada handbag.
“Good morning at the office, dear?” she enquires sweetly.
This makes me laugh. “Lovely.”
“I don’t know how you do it. Sitting in a dreary room with all those dreary people, waiting to get fired.”